Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC)

Our Mission Statement:

To provide pertinent and accurate information to the various professionals across the Halifax Regional
Municipality about how the recovery program of Alcoholic Anonymous works; and to establish an
interactive communication system that will strengthen and expand our relationships; having the
common goal of working more effectively in achieving a common purpose, to help the suffering
alcoholics to achieve and maintain sobriety.

Professional Resources:

To read or subscribe to our newsletter for professionals, click here ->  “About A.A.”

Videos for Professionals:

General Informational Pamphlets for Professionals:

Pamphlets for Specific Professions:

Thank you for viewing our webpage and please feel free to reach out to the CPC chairperson for further
information or to discuss a potential presentation to your team of individuals working with those
afflicted with the disease of alcoholism.

C.P.C. Chairperson

CPC committee member: Zoom link to our monthly meeting:

For AA members only. Letter of appeal.
Learn more about CPC. Click here for a presentation!